Digital Time
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- 1960
- ALGOL computer language devised.
- 1963
- DEC (Digital Equipment) build the first minicomputer.
- Bell Punch Company produce the first electronic calculator.
- Seymour Papert becomes co-director of the Artifical Intelligence Lab at MIT, along with Marvin Minsky
- 1964
- The first compatible family of computers introduced, the IBM System/360.
- 1965
- The first supercomputer introduced, the Control Data CD6600.
- The LISP symbol manipulation language originated at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
- 1967
- Nicholas Negroponte founds the Architecture Machine Group at MIT. Its early work leads to the development of
CAD (Computer Aided Design), and the desktop metaphor.
- 1968
- Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore found the Intel Corporation. Their first memory chips stored 256
bits, but within four years, they were working on a chip which stored 16 times as much.
- Douglas Englebart, of Stanford Research Institute, demos his computer system, with mouse and windows at the
Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco's Civic Centre.
- 1969
- Unix operating system developed at Bell Laboratories.
- ARPAnet, forerunner of the Internet, started by Bolt, Beranek and Newman, a firm hired by Larry
Roberts, head of computer communications projects at ARPA. It was the first nationwide computer
communications network.
- Xerox Corporation buys Scientific Data Systems, for US$900 million.
- Bill Gates, 12, and Paul Allen, 14, make US$4,200 writing academic scheduling program for their school.
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Phil Gyford