Digital Time
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- 1990
- Electronic Arts goes public, at a price of US$8 per share. Within a year this reaches US$35.
- ARPAnet is taken down.
- May
- Microsoft Windows 3.0 launched.
- 21 November
- Nintendo launch the Super Famicom/Super NES.
- 1991
- Apple Macintosh System 7 operating system launched.
- The first Apple Macintosh PowerBooks launched. They sell US$1 million worth in the first year.
- Tim Berners-Lee, working at CERN, the European high-energy physics laboratory, releases World
Wide Web software, to enable scientists to share data, including images.
- 1992
- Apple's QuickTime makes its debut.
- America OnLine goes public.
- 1993
- For the first time, sales of Windows-based softward exceeds that of DOS and Macintosh combined.
- Apple's Newton PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), the Message Pad is launched, costing GBP600 for
the base specification.
- 1994
- Apple's RISC-based Power PCs launched, starting at GBP1300 for the base 6100 with 8Mb RAM,
160Mb hard disk.
- Adobe launch Photoshop 3.
- Apple's Macintosh System 7.5 launched, and the company licenses its operating system to
third-parties for the first time.
- 29 April
- Commodore International Limited cease trading.
- June
- Apple's eWorld on-line service launched.
- 1995
- The first third-party Macintosh clones appear.
- 24 August
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Phil Gyford